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December 13, 2009

Birthday Loot: 2009 Triple Threads Robinson Cano and more!

Last night Sooz drove allllllllll the way up to my house to take me to dinner for my birthday which was awesome because the food was really good and we had a good time. I also got my present!!! No brownies, but she's off the hook because the present rocked and I don't have any other friends that would go almost 3 hours out of their way to come have dinner.

I've said a thousand times that I could give a million reasons why Sooz is my best friend, but right now I will stick with 3 good reasons.

1. 2006 Bowman Sterling Robinson Cano game used bat

2. 2008 Topps Co-Signers Robinson Cano/Assdribble Cabrera, err Asdrubal Cabrera dual auto

3. 2009 Topps Triple Threads Robinson Cano dual gu/auto 05/18

The Triple Threads card actually has a funny story. I had been trying to win one of these cards since I saw the first one on eBay. I missed 2 of them by like 50 cents and was steaming mad, then saw this one. I bid on it, got outbid, re-bid, etc. I reached my threshold for money on it with like a minute left to bid and gave up VERY angrily. I was bitching and complaining and so mad that I gave up and didn't put one more bid in since there aren't many of these. First I complained feverishly to Flash, and then to Sooz. She then asked me what the final price was and I told her. She called me immediately to yell at me. You might want to know why she yelled at me, but by now you know. She yelled at me for buying things for myself so close to my birthday, and for making her spend more money on the card that was eventually to be for me anyway. I laughed and felt kinda foolish. I was also greatly relieved and felt like I could relax, and bring my blood pressure back down to a normal rate. My adrenaline was pumping so well that night until she gave me the news.

So there you have it, we may not fight over men but we can sure duke it out good over an eBay auction. Sooz is the best.


  1. That triple threads Cano is insane, I like that middle swatch, which I think is from the cuff of a sleeve

  2. If you like that cuff piece I got a blog coming up that'll feature a few cards just like that.

    But I remember that night. You were so mad but you calmed down pretty quick after you found out Sooz bid on it. Then it became a funny story, for you at least. Wasn't so funny that Sooz had to pay a Marie-Tax.
